Tuesday, March 23, 2010

For the Moments I Feel Faint

Am I at the point of no improvement? What of the death I still dwell in? I try to excel, but I feel no movement. Can I be free of this unreleasable sin? I throw up my hands, "Oh, the impossibilities!!" Frustrated and tired, where do I go from here? Now I'm searching for the confidence I've lost so willingly. Overcoming these obstacles is overcoming my fear. I think I can't, I think I can't, But I think You can, I think You can gather my insufficiencies and place them in Your hands. Never underestimate my Jesus. You're telling me that there's no hope, I'm telling you you're wrong. Never underestimate my Jesus. When the world around you crumbles, He will be strong. He will be strong. You will be strong. --Relient K, "For the Moments I Feel Faint"

There seems to be two running themes to my current situation: trust and wait. Those, apparently, are the two roughest things for me because they've been the two things that, when I had to do them in the past, have gotten me the most hurt, the most pain, the most heartbreak, and the most disaster. But the past was without God. This current situation now requires me to do both... but this time, with God. Trusting Him, and waiting on Him. I'm doing my best, I really am. Though I admit I've messed up a few times along the way, He reminds me that He doesn't expect us to never make a mistake, but rather to learn from the mistakes that are made and move on.

I also have to admit that it's been a rather frustrating process. I'm only human, and I've had my moments of thinking that this problem is just too big, that just too much has gone wrong, and that there's no possible way I see that it can ever be repaired. But... it was in one of those moments that He told me some things that really made me look at the situation in a whole new light. It's just remembering to keep looking at it in that light that's gonna take some work.

And apparently there's someone out there... you know who you are... who needs to hear it, too. There's someone who's gonna read this that has a rough situation going on that God is using to teach the same things as He's teaching me with my situation. What He said to me applies to this someone's situation, too. He wants someone to be looking at their situation in this same new light.

So, to this someone who knows exactly who they are, here's what was said... may it shine the same new light on your own situation... and may we both always remember that when He said this, He meant it, so may we never look at our situations in the light of our past ever again, but rather in the light of the promises He gave us of our future...

(You can click those Scripture references. I made them links cuz it's easier that way... read them cuz they're a BIG part of what's being said...)

Matthew 14:22-33... this is Jesus showing them, "I'm bigger than this storm, and I'm on your side, so trust Me." Looking around at the situation is only going to overwhelm you. The situation looks awful, it looks hopeless, it looks like there's no way out, and it looks like you're going to sink and drown... it may look like it's destroyed beyond repair, and it may look like it's never going to be fixed... but since when have I ever cared about appearances? I'm bigger than this storm, and I'm on your side, so stop looking around and trust Me. Ecclesiastes 3:11... Remember that expression you heard that you like so much, "Soon come?" That means that it'll happen soon, so don't worry. Remember what you heard because it's true. If waiting is hard for you, then you're going to have to wait, otherwise how will you ever learn to do it? 1 Timothy 6:11... James 1:3-4... Wait on Me, and I will come through for you. In the past, what happened in your life taught you that things either happen now, or they don't happen at all. But that's not what I say. Your past taught you that if something didn't happen immediately, if you were made to wait, then there must be some problem with you. I never said that. Your past taught you that waiting meant you wouldn't get what I promised you until you "shaped up," or that you were sinning, or not listening, or doing things wrong. That's a lie. Those are all lies. Waiting has nothing to do with you. Waiting means the perfect time hasn't come yet. Waiting means the situation isn't just right yet. Waiting means I'm building your strength up so you'll be strong enough to handle it when it gets here. Waiting is not about punishment. Your past may have taught you that it is, but I'm telling you it's not. A fighter can't step into a boxing ring without having taken the proper time for training and conditioning... neither can you step into what's coming next without letting Me take the proper time for training and conditioning you. Right now, waiting only means that I want you in top form, in the best shape, while I set the situation right so that everything and everyone will be ready to move on to the next step. Like the fighter, if you step into the ring untrained and not ready, you will fail, with dire consequences. So wait on Me while I make you and the situation ready so that there will be victory.


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